how do people currently find fashion inspirations?
Pinterest dominates the fashion inspiration tool survey result, followed by Instagram and Tiktok. Based on the respondents' response, the top reasons why they use these three methods are:
However, 50% of the users claim that they somewhat follow their fashion inspirations when shopping for fashion items or curating their outfits.
PLATFORMS: main use case
To find people who look like them or people who have a good fashion sense:

Another user's fashion style may be similar to what they want to pursue. In the case of content creators or influencers, they also curate their content extensively to make it easy for their audience to follow.
Other users who have a similar body type as them also provide users with a closer image of how they look in a specific style or fashion item.
To find and collect inspiration images after finding it from other sources or from within itself:

Find more outfit inspirations based on a style that they have in mind or they found within the app
Enrich their own understanding on how to style a certain fashion item, or how to curate looks based on a vibe, an event, or a style that they want.
To find a specific fashion item that they want to buy or learn about

Users find these platforms when they are in between or beyond the finding-inspiration phase and are ready to bring the chosen fashion inspiration to life and discover the availability, price, and accessibility of a specific fashion style or items.